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Buy Fentanyl Powder Online


Buy pure Fentanyl Powder online directly with secured and discreet global delivery. Fentanyl Powder is primarily used for the treatment of postoperative pain or those pain which are not able to be cured by other narcotic drugs as well as for recreational uprose. We offer Fentanyl Powder in packs of:


Buy Fentanyl Powder Online

Buy Fentanyl Powder Online, Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid belonging to the piperidine chemical class. It is known for producing analgesia with a rapid onset and short duration of action compared to the other opioids such as morphine or heroin, At the μ-opioid receptors, it is a strong agonist.  It is about 40-50times more powerful than the pharmaceutical grade heroin and about 80-100 more potent than morphine.

How does Fentanyl Powder work?

The Fentanyl Powder mimics the endogenous endorphins that are found in the body naturally, they also work upon the μ-opioid receptor set, this mimicking lead to euphoria, pain relief and anxiolytic effects as the endorphins reduce the pain, cause sleepiness, and feelings of pleasure, these are released as a response to pain,   strenuous exercise or general excitement.

Fentanyl Powder Overdose:

The dose in the range of 50 -100mg is considered to be strong and beyond 100 μg is considered to be heavy dose. Taking this dose leads to severe consequences, so it should be avoided
In such cases, if no medical attention is provided, it leads to coma or death of the individual.

How to get prescription for Fentanyl Powder?

By looking at you medical conditions, the doctor might prescribe Fentanyl for your treatment. This can be purchased from us without a prescription also. But we strongly recommend avoiding taking this drug without the physician’s advice as it can lead to fatal consequences.

Legal status of Fentanyl Powder?

Fentanyl is a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act in the UK. It is a List I  substance of the Opium Law in the Netherlands. It is a Schedule II controlled substance per the Controlled Substance Act  in the US. In Canada, it’s a Schedule I drug as listed in Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

In Austria, it is legal for medical use under the AMG  but is illegal if sold or processed in the absence of a prescription

Additional information

Product Quantity

10G, 15G, 20G, 50G, 100G, 200G, 500G, 1KG


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