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Buy Methylone Crystal Online


Methylone, also known as 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone (MDMC), is an empathogen and stimulant psychoactive drug.

Individuals use the drug to achieve effects similar to those associated with use of MDMA, such as:

Feelings of euphoria
Increased sex drive
Increased sociability
Increased energy


Buy Methylone Crystal Online

Buy Methylone Crystal Online is a chemical drug which is very similar in structure to MDMA and has comparable effects,

methylone is a stimulant with a mild hallucinogenic effect because it’s a relatively new substance it’s called a research chemical. It’s recommended to treat methylone with caution because of its short existence not much research has been conducted and not much is known about long term effects or addiction rates.

Methylone, also known as 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone (MDMC), is an empathogen and stimulant psychoactive drug. It is a member of the amphetamine, cathinone and methylenedioxyphenethylamine classes.

Methylone is the substituted cathinone analogue of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and the 3,4-methylenedioxy analog of methcathinone. The only structural difference of methylone with respect to MDMA is the substitution of 2 hydrogen atoms by 1 oxygen atom in the β position of the phenethylamine core, forming a ketone group.

Usually, methylone is offered as powder, but pills are in circulation as well as with XTC,

these tablets can differ in size, colour and strength.



In the Netherlands methylone doesn’t fall under the Opium Act, but under the Medicines act at the same time it’s not officially registered as a medicine, therefore a general practitioner cannot prescribe methylone and it’s only possible to obtain the substance illegally.

As methylone is in the Medicines Act other sanctions apply for trading than for drug trafficking. Illicit trafficking in medicines may lead up to a maximum of six years imprisonment, whereas illegal trafficking in substances on the Opium act – e.g. MDMA – can lead up to a maximum of twelve years imprisonment. The status of methylone differs per country.

In the United States, for example, it is on the Opium List and in Canada it isn’t. The Canadian authorities do not even consider it a medicine, which means the substance is still legal over there.


As mentioned earlier methylone is similar to MDMA in both structure and functioning, See the picture on the right for structures of different stimulants, the left structures from the top down amphetamine, methylamphetamine and methcatione.

The right structures from top to bottom: MDA, MDMA and methylone as you can see the only difference with MDMA is an oxygen atom, the effect of a substance depends mainly on the extent to which it binds to certain receptors in the brain.


In vitro research (carried out in test tubes) shows that methylone acts like MDMA regarding the release of dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain. However,

dopamine and noradrenaline out of the brain cells. MDMA thus inhibits this process much stronger than methylone does. Monoamine transporters that take the same substances back into the cells exist as well. Methylone influences both processes in a more balanced way than MDMA. Therefore methylone will leave you with a clearer head than MDMA.

Additional information

Product Quantity

10G, 15G, 20G, 50G, 100G, 200G, 500G, 1KG


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