Ukriane is under attack by Russia. This is unfortunately happening in the 21 century when we thought the world was mature enough not to go into wars.

At the moment Ukraine needs help. A lot those suffering simple Ukrainian who has nothing to do with the war. Red Cross partners are assisting with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. In Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova, Lithuania, Red Cross teams are providing support to displaced people. Teams are distributing food, water, clothing, hygiene sets, blankets and even handing out SIM cards so that families can stay connected.

The Cryptocurrency world have organized a fundraising program to help. The money will be sent to International committee of Red Cross.  The target is to raise as much as $20,000,000 (Twenty millions Dollars).

We are inviting everyone with a heart who comes across of our website to kindly help. Think of the innocent children, women and pregnant women stranded and needs your help. You can donate as less as $10 and as much $1000000 if you can. Your efforts will be highly appreciated.

Donations are made only through Cryptocurrencies.

Send your donation directly to any of the wallets below:

BTC Wallet: bc1q5h4u7u58776uyhgalmxgp9dgzm62huj4hcfysh

BCH Wallet: qrsd5fv3x32jjsgxp836m36aw2gsmgyydvqtv32v0d

ETH Wallet: 0xDfd6ed70E98364e8D282B1Dc5aDbaC4ed6570982

USDT Wallet: 0xDfd6ed70E98364e8D282B1Dc5aDbaC4ed6570982


Entirecannabis Group donated $500000. We are still preparing other humanitarian packages for the coming days.

Be part of the world’s effort to assist Ukrainians.



If you want to published as one of the donors, fill the form below.